Monday, December 22, 2014

Insta-Update (Nov/Dec)


So life has been full of blessings lately! Johns brother Drew got married at the end of November and now we have an awesome sister-in-law named Sandra. The wedding was beautiful and it gave us a nice excuse to dress up fancy. I do adore John in a bowtie! December has been a big blur of events so far. I finished my second to last semester at school, John and I attended a birthday dinner and two Christmas sweater parties. Now here we are at the end of December. I still can't believe Christmas AND my birthday are coming up this week! Im turning 23?!?! Where does time go? I know I am still young but I feel like 20 wasn't 3 years ago! Here are some photos from instagram!

I just received this picture the other day of John and I's nieces and I absolutely adore it.
Can't wait to see them on Christmas!


1 comment:

  1. Love you pretty lady! Merry Christmas to you and my bro-in-law
