Monday, December 22, 2014

Insta-Update (Nov/Dec)


So life has been full of blessings lately! Johns brother Drew got married at the end of November and now we have an awesome sister-in-law named Sandra. The wedding was beautiful and it gave us a nice excuse to dress up fancy. I do adore John in a bowtie! December has been a big blur of events so far. I finished my second to last semester at school, John and I attended a birthday dinner and two Christmas sweater parties. Now here we are at the end of December. I still can't believe Christmas AND my birthday are coming up this week! Im turning 23?!?! Where does time go? I know I am still young but I feel like 20 wasn't 3 years ago! Here are some photos from instagram!

I just received this picture the other day of John and I's nieces and I absolutely adore it.
Can't wait to see them on Christmas!


Friday, December 19, 2014

Niagara Falls Mini Moon

John and I went on a mini moon the weekend of our wedding to get away for a little before our actual honeymoon which we will be taking this coming January! Niagara Falls was absolutely beautiful. My friend Julie came up with the idea from one of john and I's favorite shows when we first started dating, The Office. John and I got to have our Jim and Pam moment on the maid of the mist. Unfortunately I couldn't take any decent pictures on the boat because of the massive amounts of water we kept getting hit with once we approached the falls. It was definitely a trip I'll never forget. Can't wait to see what our honeymoon has in store for us next month!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Mr & Mrs Quiles

The best day of my life! Can we just go back and do it again for fun? Its true what everyone says about the day just passing by you. There were times when I just tried to stop and appreciate what was going on around me and just trying to take it all in so I wouldn't forget what that day was like. Now I just have these photos and (soon) a video so I can relive this day whenever I please.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

So It Begins...

Hello all! Welcome to my blog. I decided to make this blog as a replacement for my Facebook. There are many reasons for this decision, John has repeatedly told me how much he dislikes what social media has become and how he wants to delete his. Of course I was like "WHAAA?? Are you crazy??". I love social media and I think it's a great way for everyone to stay in touch and share their lives. Lately, however, I have noticed what my Husband (I'll never get sick of saying that) meant. Facebook is a place where I notice a lot of negativity, politics, rumor spreading (politically speaking), spam, random articles (which I have been guilty of reading from time to time) and other things are being posted and it is just a real bummer. There are so many ups and downs in life that I decided I don't need another thing contributing to the "downs" in my life. As a solution I decided to make this blog for all my family and friends near and far to stay updated on my life! So just bookmark our page on your web browser and check in on us every so often. Let's see how this goes!

P.S. I will still have my Instagram so long as it doesn't become a crappy place to be on too.