Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring is in the air!

(John and I getting lunch with his parents at Burrito Bar)

(Bella and I last weekend heading to the Childrens Museum. This girl sure loves tickling!) 

(Jesse and I getting some tea together in Williamsburg. Btw try earl grey tea with some almond milk and vanilla syrup, it is just like a fruit loop) 

(My totoro phone case!)

(my new mac at work!)

(my first print job at work)

Time really does fly! John and I have been married for half a year now. WHAT? MY WEDDING WAS 6 MONTHS AGO!? Anyways, life has been one big blessing lately. I got a new job and have been rocking it. I even got a new computer (the one they had was running too slow). I love it so far and have been learning a lot about design and getting better as a designer every day. I also officially quit my waitressing/bartender job. WAAA HOOOOO! The best part is that John gets home an hour after I do so we have been able to have dinner every night together like an old fashioned american family and I love it! We wake up and go to sleep at the same time too so to me that is just amazing considering the amount of times I would come home late from working at a restaurant to find John out cold and not being able to talk about our days or spend time together. Having the weekends off has its benefits too! I get to spend time with my niece and nephew pretty often now, I even went to visit my sister in williamsburg one weekend.

The 9-5 Monday through Friday gig is one I can get use to ;). 

Up till now, John and I have always been focused on what is next, our goals and now we are finally where we want to be! We have our own place, we got married, and now we both have careers. Sure we want children and a house but right now I feel so content with life. We are right where we want to be, I like that I am finally at a place where I am just enjoying life and living day by day instead of constantly working towards something. Of course it is nice to have goals and of course we are constantly saving for the future, but as least now we are just in a great new phase in our lives and I am just going to kick back and enjoy it.